Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Everyone Believes Something

(by Lorie Codispoti)

Everyone has a doctrine (belief system). And behind every doctrine is a god that is worshipped.
For Christians, our doctrine is based on Scripture; it identifies our God and articulates our beliefs.
God is the Author of Scripture; He inspired and produced it.
“All scripture is inspired by God…”( 2Tim.3:16) (The Hebrew word communicates that God literally breathed His word into the writers.) This inspiration is not subjective (based on human experience or interpretation). No. God’s word is Objective; its inspiration is inherent because of its Author.
Scripture is used to convert and sanctify us.
For example, look at how God uses one chapter of the Bible to express how it conforms believers:
In Psalm 119, God's Word... cleanses our hearts (vs.9), gives us direction (vs.10,24), protects us from sin (vs.11), provides strength & comfort (vs.50-52), gives us wisdom in relationships (vs.98), shows us how to be godly (vs.104-105), is our refuge in times of trouble (vs.114), and offers genuine peace (vs.165).
If one chapter has that much influence, imagine what the entire book has to offer.
So here’s my question to unbelievers: Have you taken the time to really consider the claims of Scripture? Would you be willing to use your skepticism as a launching pad to investigate those claims with an open heart? Most of the unbelievers I've talked to prefer to speculate rather than investigate. Are you willing to look at the historical evidence that verifies Biblical events? Because, whether you're agnostic (no-knowledge), atheist (anti-theism), or hold to some other non-Christian belief, you can’t park your reason in the spot marked: “not enough evidence.” That spot simply does not exist.
Friend, if your doctrine and your god fail to lead you to objective truth, then consider whether you’ve taken a wrong turn and parked your heart in a lot that is scheduled for demolition.
I am not a biblical apologist, but I can give you a reason for the Hope that we Christians have residing within us.
Don't delay. You only get one life to know Jesus as your Savior. After that you will only know Him as the Judge who extended the mercy that you rejected.

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