Saturday, February 22, 2025

Light Remains

(by Lorie Codispoti)

When I was a child I was deathly afraid of the dark. I could not sleep in a dark room. If someone turned the lights out to say that I experienced panic attacks would have been an understatement. This paralyzing fear followed me into adulthood & I was in my early 20’s before being rescued from its grip.
That rescue came in the form of Light!
It was not the kind of light that comes on when you flip a switch, but the kind that pursues & overcomes the darkness, as well as its debilitating sidekick called fear.
I started reading through the Bible again this year. It never ceases to amaze me how every read through brings with it things you didn’t see before. While reading about the plagues in Exodus I was struck by what it said about the ninth plague: a darkness so thick that it could be “felt” (Ex.10:21).
The Hebrew word for this "felt" darkness relates to something you could actually touch. This thick darkness covered the land of Egypt for three days.
Have you ever experienced a darkness so dark that you could not even see your hand?
We were taking a late night walk with some friends many years ago. We didn’t realize how dark it actually was until we got far enough away from the facility where we were meeting with a group of people. None of us thought to bring a flashlight, which was a huge regret as we stepped into the darkest dark I’ve ever experienced. We literally could not see our own hands, nor could we see the road, which was on the side of a mountain. I suddenly became aware of what I could not see - namely the road, those with us, & what might be lurking in the woods. It was scary.
Then, one of our friends frantically commanded all of us to "STOP!" His teeth had just fallen out. Not kidding! Thankfully, he was able to feel for them & find them in that thick darkness. We all had a good chuckle as it lightened the mood a bit, but we still had to find our way back to the facility.
That was the darkest dark I’ve ever experienced, & it’s one I will never forget.
In the Bible, darkness is more than the absence of light, which is how we define it today. Most of the time darkness is a representation of a tangible evil - a blinding force that can affect both the just and the unjust when they are caught in its grip.
It’s fascinating to note which plagues the Israelites endured alongside their Egyptian slave owners, and which ones they escaped due to the merciful hand of God.
Exodus 10:23 says, “…but light remained in the houses of the Israelites…” God spared them from the plague of a darkness - a presence that manifested so intense that it very likely drove many of the Egyptians to the brink of insanty.
“But light remained!”
I don't think this was a light that suddenly appeared when darkness crept in. This was a light that was already present. A light so powerful that darkness could not overpower & drive It away.
"The light shines in the darkness, & the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:5)
That's the Light that rescued me!
Does this kind of indwelling Light reside within you? A Light so bright & present that you can “feel” It? When you do, you will know the freedom of stepping forward with certainty & without fear.
No amount of darkness can put out the Light of Christ. His light will rescue you from fear & "remain" resident within you. It will help you find your faith (or your teeth) when the darkness encroaches and would have you believe that all is lost.
"Shine down your Light on me, let the darkness see, that in Your presence darkness flees, oh, Father of Light shine down on me." (Sandi Patty)

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