Friday, October 4, 2024

Broken From The Inside

(by Lorie Codispoti)
"If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If it is broken by an inside force, life begins."
I have no idea who the author is, nor do I know the context in which this statement was written, but for me this illustration speaks to the way God transforms our lives when we come to Christ.
Our enemy is the “outside force.” He’s the nest robber who steals the eggs with the intent to break & destroy them. However, there is a greater “Force” at work. This is the Force that not only hears every cry for help, but upon hearing that cry He thwarts the enemy’s plan by swooping down & chasing him away. He then stands guard & strategically nurtures the newborn to full maturity. And so begins the transforming work of our great & mighty God.
The Bible tells us that we are created beings (the material part of us), formed in the likeness of our Creator (the immaterial part of us) for the purpose of communion with Him. (Gen.1:26-28)
Because we were created in the image of God, our nature includes the ability to display His communicable attributes. Characteristics like the ability to show compassionate, extend forgiveness, choose faithfulness, display wisdom & holiness, etc., all reflect the imago dei (Image) of our loving God. Additionally, because His Spirit resides within us, we are invited to imbibe & exhibit the fruit of that Spirit (Gal.5:22-23).
Being transformed is a process that begins on the inside as God regenerates our hearts & restores us to Himself.
What does this look like when our nests are vulnerable to an unrelenting outside force? I'm glad you asked.
Birds like the cuckoo are called brood parasites. They are master con-artists, & rather than building their own nest, where they can incubate & feed their own chicks, these birds cheat by laying look-alike eggs in another bird’s unattended nest. When the baby cuckoo hatches before the other eggs it will roll them out of the nest, where they are destroyed (“broken by an outside force”).
Parents, you have a huge responsibility in caring for & raising your children - to “bring them up in the nurture & admonition of the Lord.” (Eph.6:4) It can feel like a daunting task when you know there are brood parasites lurking in the shadows, patiently waiting for an opportunity to swoop in on an unattended nest.
Fear not the outside force!
God has made a way for His own to succeed.
Have you ever heard of a village weaver? These unique birds construct their nests out of grass, which is not really all that unique. However, what distinguishes them from other birds is that their nests are completely enclosed, except for a long tube at the bottom that is sized specifically for their bodies. This feature protects their eggs from predators like brood parasites. But, that’s not their only means of protection. These birds stick together by building their nests close to one another & forming what we might call a neighborhood watch program. When an intruder attempts to infiltrate one of the nests the whole flock will come together and harass the invader away.
The body of Christ is like a flock of village weavers. We come together to worship & grow in the knowledge of our amazing God. This is part of the transformation process. But, we also come together to fight. No one has fought as valiantly as the God Man Himself - the one who took on the entire host of Hell to insure that His offspring would multiply & be victorious. In fact, He said that the very gates of Hell will not prevail against His church. (Mtt.16:17-19)
“But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.” (Heb.10:39)
Let’s be that village, Church!
By doing so we will be transformed by the life-giving Force that breaks us from the inside & sets us free to live for Christ & multiply our population.

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