Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Destructive Train

(by Lorie Codispoti)

Well, it appears that American Girl has jumped on the popular progressive train. They've exchanged what they used to represent (encouraging girls to embrace the joy and wonder of girlhood), and adopted a new philosophy. Their train now makes stops at stations where they entice and kidnap young girls, hoping to convince them to embrace their new agenda, which includes grooming girls into believing the myth that they can change their gender if they no longer feel comfortable being female.
This is child abuse!
Don't believe me? Research the stages that predators use to groom a child and you will find that more cars are being added as it rides the rails of an upside down agenda - one that conditions children to believe and accept a narrative that counters reality.
This warped locomotive runs on an unending supply of fuel, filled in the 1980’s by the author of modern day “queer theory” and her published work that promotes things like the idea that child porn should not be criminalized and cross generational sexual encounters should be normative, among other absurd things. (Thinking Sex by Gayle Reuben)
“Queer Theory, at its dark heart, is structurally pedophilic.” (James Lindsay)
Wake up, parents!
These are manipulative tactics. They're dressed up (literally) & served to every child forced to sit in their seat until the conductor feels they have been adequately brainwashed into spreading this false ideology.
There is no such thing as transgender. There is only male and female. We do not possess the biological power to transform into anything other than what we were created to be. You can manipulate (mutilate is more like it) your parts and play dress up all you want, but all that does is promote a confused, dystopian like world that is devoid of all reason - not to mention dark and hopeless.
Don’t support the lie!
It’s time to rescue the children and blow up this train. They should have never been forced to board confusion to begin with.
American Girl, you should be ashamed of yourself for selling out to the woke agenda of the left. When young girls bought tickets and boarded your train in years past, they used to enjoy their ride while reading about the wonderful adventures your literature provided. You captured the imagination and every passenger celebrated the wholesomeness of being a young girl in America.
Now you are masquerading under the guise of progress. But the reality is you’ve turned into a rolling series of destructive cars, all connected by a false ideology. It's one that seizes the minds of young girls and forces them to ride into a station filled with heartache and suffering.
This is the worst kind of child abuse and I hope that every parent will consider the cost before purchasing a ticket aimed at stripping children of their innocence and forcing them to face the kind of evil that is forged in the very fires of Hell itself.
Oh, by the way, American Girl...
Will you be changing your name? Seems to me that “American It” might be a more fitting pronoun for the new you.

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