(by Lorie Codispoti)
We seem to be facing an endless barrage of frightening uncertainties, and everyone I know is concerned about something.
What thoughts come to mind when you ponder the future? Wanna know how the Proverbs 31 woman handles her thoughts about tomorrow?
She laughs!
Huh? She laughs? How can someone look ahead, especially in these times, and laugh? That response seems callous and feels inappropriate.
Obviously, there’s something much deeper going on here, so let’s ask some questions of the text and dig for the answers.
By way of cultural context, the women of that day didn’t have much going for them. They were considered a curse, and the source of all evil due to Eve’s sin. They were subordinate to men and viewed as property, with their value linked solely to their ability to produce male children. Therefore, they were not educated and had no rights. Even the writings of their day were derogatory and degrading, subjugating women on every level.
This is P31’s world, but when we read through the text (Proverbs 31:10-31) we find a counter-cultural woman. And she’s not the only one going against the flow. Her husband verbally praises her to all the important people. And her son, King Lemuel, values her wisdom so much that he puts it in writing.
Among other things, we read that P31 is strong (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). She doesn’t shy away from hardship or run from her circumstances.
In many of our Bible translations, we read that she is “virtuous,” with the emphasis being on her moral character, but the Hebrew word communicates something much deeper. The word is actually “valor” - a term referencing her civic life, evidenced by the actions we read in the passage. One writer describes her valor as “brave, persistent, audacious, resourceful, and ready for anything.”
This word, “valor,” gives P31 a persona of a victorious warrior, which fits with her husband’s trust in her as she returns home with the spoils of her warfare (vs.2) - giving her a “worth far above rubies.” (Vs.1)
(Read that again.)
THIS is who the P31 woman is, people. She is a kick-butt warrior, “clothed in strength and honor.” (vs.25) She resides in the King’s palace, but she doesn’t hide there. Under His authority, she’s daring enough to venture out and risk countering her culture.
When we understand who P31 is, we begin to see how she can “laugh” at the future.
“Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come.” (Prov.31:25)
The Hebrew word for “rejoice” in this verse is “laugh.” Make no mistake, however, this isn’t the same kind of laughter exhibited when your toddler says or does something cute. Quite the contrary, this is a mocking type of laughter - the kind that derides out of contempt. This laughter scorns its subject, making a mockery of him. It’s the same Hebrew word we read about in Psalm 37, where it talks about God laughing at the wicked who plot against the just, “for He sees that his day is coming.” (vs.13) We also see it in Psalm 2, where the nations and kings of the Earth foolishly plot against the Lord and his Anointed… “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision.” (vs.4)
The P31 woman laughs because her fear of the Lord (Prov.31:30) is greater than any calamity. She laughs because, “She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet.” (Vs.21) The harsh realities of a cold, dark winter may visit us, but for those wrapped in the covering of the King’s shed blood, there is a day of rejoicing on the horizon, a day no winter can destroy.
Don’t allow the enemy to cripple you with debilitating fear during these uncertain times. We've read the book and know how the story ends. So P31 up, ladies! Fear (respect, honor, revere) the Lord, gird yourself with strength (Prov.31:17), and go out into the unknown, trusting the future to a known God.
Let’s join the cacophony that laughs at the King's enemy. For "his day (of destruction) is coming" and our forever with the King of glory is nearer than we think.
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