(by Lorie Codispoti)
I was a fair-skinned child with lots of FRECKLES. I spent my childhood wishing those spots away, but all they did was multiply in the mirror. My mother tried to encourage me by telling me that they were angel kisses, and that one day my freckles would fade, like hers did. That helped a little, but for the most part I remained inconsolable.
Mom was right though! Over time, many of the freckles on my face faded away.
I’ll never forget the day we took our kids to a science museum and walked into a room with mirrors. All was fine, until the room went dark and they turned on the black light. I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my 40 year old eyes. There they were - every single freckle that I thought had disappeared decades ago. It was like going back in time and staring at my childhood face in the mirror. I was shocked and horrified.
Black lights make what is invisible to the human eye visible. The science relates to ultra-violet light (what we cannot see) and phosphors (a substance that glows under an ultraviolet light).
What I learned from that traumatic event is that my freckles never completely vanished; they simply went into hiding.
Lucifer’s name meant “light-bearer,” before he fell and was stripped of everything from his light to his name. Paul said that Satan (which means “adversary”) has the ability to transform himself into an “angel of light”(2Cor.11:14). Does that mean he can put on the same light that he lost? NO! It means he puts on a disguise and masquerades as light. He has the ability to pretend to be what he once was. In this passage, Paul is warning Christians not to be deceived by the appearance of a counterfeit.
The Bible tells us that God is Light (1John 1:5), He dwells in light (1Tim.6:16), and that He created light (Gen.1:3). The revelation of His word also gives light and shows us the way (Psa.119:130a, 105).
We know that Jesus said He is the Light of the world (Jn.8:12). He illuminated the world at creation, and was the Light that appeared at His incarnation (Jn.1:1-5). He is the Light that wakens the dead and calls us out of darkness (Jn.12:46). His Light serves as our armor (Rms.13:12), as well as being the Source that enables us to have fellowship with each other (1Jn.1:7). Jesus is the Light that both indwells us and radiates through us(Acts13:47). And in the New Jerusalem there will be no need for a sun because the Light of the Son will shine, as it did before God created our planet’s source of light (sun). (Rev.21:23)
The Holy Spirit is our Helper, sent to teach us and bring to remembrance all we learn as we walk in the Light (Jn.14:26, Psa.56:13). He is God’s light Who guides us into all truth (Jn.16:13). His light clarifies the word and directs our steps (Psa.119:11). The book of Revelation (4:5) describes the sevenfold Spirit of God as “seven lamps of fire burning.” When Daniel was presented to King Belshazzar, the king remarked, “I have heard of you, that the Spirit of God is in you, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you.” (Dan.5:14)
Not only were we created by the Light to be drawn to the Light, but as a result of being redeemed and renewed by the Light of Christ, we have been commissioned to walk as “children of the light” because His light shines in us (Eph.3:13-14). We are to be filled with God's visable Light.
Satan is a type of black light. He wants us to gaze into his mirror so that he can attempt to convince us that nothing has changed - that we look the same as we did before coming to Christ. But remember, Satan is the liar who lost his light when he fell. Don’t allow him to exploit God’s resident Light in you. The light of Christ is what covers and clothes you now. You may carry the marks of your sinful past, but they are nothing but dead scars that can neither receive nor remit light.
The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones. (Prov.15:30)
Did you know that our bodies are bioluminescent? That’s right - we glow in the dark! In fact, researchers have discovered that our glow shines the brightest when we’re burning the most energy. The significance is huge when you think about the spiritual war we are engaged in every day. We need Light in the dark places and God has given it to us.
It’s Light verses darkness and Christ is illuminated in the heat of the battle (not on the sidelines), where I'll burn the most energy and shine the brightest for my King.
I have no reason to fear the black light of the Dark Knight; for the Creator of Light Himself promises to empower me, fight for me, and give me victory. (Isa. (Ex.14:14, 2Chron.20:17, Deut.20:4, Deut.3:22, Rms.8:37) He says that no weapon formed against me will prosper. (Isa.54:17)
If that isn't enough, I simply remind myself that I’ve been kissed by angels!
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