Wednesday, June 12, 2024

No Such Thing As Trans-kids

"If you’re talking about “trans-kids,” your premise is that there is a new kind of person - some kind of person who’s not male, not female, who somehow is born in the wrong body. … So, what’s the reality? There are no “trans-kids.” There are boys & girls, male & female children, or adolescents who might be experiencing distress, but they are not a different kind of person. … Let’s not talk about “trans-kids” or “trans-people.” They’re people. People with equal dignity. But they’re male & female, boys or girls, men or women - regardless of their self perception. … Our perceptions aren’t always grounded in reality. … You cannot change sex. You’re male or female & it marks every cell of your body." (Strong Women | Telling the Truth About our Bodies with Mary Rice Hasson. )
Be warned: People who advance or engage in the promotion of deceiving, disabling, & disfiguring a child will face a much worse destruction. (See Matt.18:6.)
Teach the children in your life to align their beliefs with what is real. (The very definition of truth.)
Sarah Stonestreet made a good point in this conversaton: While it’s a good thing for us to long to be re-created, when we look to re-create ourselves we are buying into the lie that we can transform ourselves into something other than what God made us to be (male & female).
When we attempt to re-image ourselves we are playing the role of Dr. Victor Frankenstein. We are new creations IN Christ. Altering His design will only create a hideous & broken monster.
As believers, we are not only called to stand for truth, but we are to care for those who have been deceived. This goes for all those who believe the lie, as well as those promoting it. My heart gravitates toward the innocent children being victimized by this false ideology, but it also understands that while there are those with vile intentions, there are also those who genuinely believe they are helping these kids. Each person is worth the persecution we may endure for speaking truth. It’s a far less thing to endure than what they face if they continue walking in this socially constructed, cultural lie.

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