Friday, January 13, 2023

Beautiful Feet

(by Lorie Codispoti)

Is there anything more precious than baby feet?
I’ve lived a long time, and I’ve seen some not-so-cute babies in my day, but not a one of them has ever possessed anything less than adorable toes attached to precious little feet. I know this to be true because I’m pretty much known for unwrapping every layer until I see those tiny toes wiggle.
God likes feet too!
Not only did He design them, but He describes the “feet of those who bring good news” as “beautiful” in the book of Isaiah (52:7).
I can’t help but think about how many times Mary must have wondered about the tiny feet that kicked inside her womb. Did she pray for those wee little feet and ponder the many miles her Son would walk along their dusty roads in order to share His “good news” to the world? Mary knew that Jesus was the promised Messiah, but she had no idea that one day he would be so hated by the people around Him that they would drive metal stakes into the beautiful feet that she cherished.
I wonder if the immensely valuable gifts of the Maji came to mind as Mary watched her beloved Son die. I imagine she understood the significance of the gold (representing Christ’s kingship on Earth), and the significance of the frankincense (symbolizing His deity). But, what about the myrrh? It symbolizes death. She had no way of knowing what this prophetic gift represented as she watched Jesus take His first steps and learn to run and play. I imagine she was perplexed at what was happening at the cross, but I can also see how the Lord would have used the reminder of these gifts to comfort her heart with His unending faithfulness, and the assurance that each of His promises would be fulfilled.
Centuries later, another mother was moved by the tiny feet of a baby - only this baby never had the chance to live outside of its mother’s womb.
You may not be familiar with the name Virginia Evers, but I bet you'd recognize the gold lapel pin she designed. While preparing for a pro-life march in San Diego (on the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade in 1974), Virginia saw a photograph of the tiny feet of a 10-week-old fetus. Unable to shake the image from her mind, she told her husband that the precious little feet of that baby should be the symbol of the pro-life movement. A few years later she designed the Precious Feet lapel pin, which is measured to the size of a 10 week old fetus. To this day it remains the International Pro-Life Symbol, and people have been wearing it in solidarity of aborted babies ever since.
The day is coming when the feet of Mary’s Son will again walk on the earth. However, this time it will not be as a babe coming to proclaim salvation to the lost. It will be as the reigning King who comes to judge and destroy all that was lost when Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden.
What about the gold, frankensence, and myrrh that was so incredibly valuable the first time Christ came to the Earth?
They’re mentioned again in Revelation 18 - only this time the mourners are not the ones who loved the Messiah and followed Him to the cross. The three things so highly valued in Jesus day are listed among the things the modern day merchants will extort to accommodate their lavish lifestyles. But, everything they live for will mean nothing when it is all destroyed “in one hour” (vs.17). Everything of material value will burn, and this time the mourners will be those who rejected the greatest treasure the world has ever known - Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Can you hear it? The pitter patter of little feet?
However, the closer these feet get the mightier the sound. And that’s because the once defenseless, fragile feet of every aborted and murdered baby has been transformed into a mighty army, empowered by the King who rescued them. They are following Him into the battle that will destroy all His enemies.
These are the tiny feet that will dance with every other Christ follower on Heaven’s streets of gold.
That’s right. One of the most valuable things in our world becomes the pavement that resides under the “beautiful feet” that will forever celebrate the good news of our Great King.

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