"And the glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate..." (Ezek.43:4a) May God's GLORY be seen through US, as we proclaim His goodness at the GATE of our lives.
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Sunday, September 10, 2023
What's In A Name?
(by Lorie Codispoti)
I enjoy naming things - & I name everything. I have names & back up names. I have named everything from the critters who visit our country cottage (which has its own name) to the trees & bushes that surround it. I name our cars. I name our rooms & some of the items in them. I’ve tried to help my children name their’s, but, sadly, they weren't interested. So, I give them (& other’s) ncknames. (I’ve always liked the idea the Catholics have when they add a new name at confirmation. So, why can't we copy the idea & apply it to baptism?)
It’s interesting what we assume about names in Scripture.
For example, did you know that the Bible never names God’s chief nemesis & our greatest enemy? We call him by many names, with Lucifer, Devil & Satan being the most popular. However, if you study Scripture more carefully you will see that these are all simply titles that describe the nature of the adversary, accuser, opposer (“ha-satan”). Our English translations drop the “ha” (article) in front of “satan,” which turns the title into a name. This is misleading.
Names are a gift.
The naming of things assigns value to them & points to our Creator God, who named the first man (Adam) & tasked him with the honor of naming all the animals He had created.
The naming of children was a very serious privilege given to parents in the Bible. A name assigns meaning & purpose.
Not long ago I gave a talk on the life of Leah. (She was the unloved wife of Jacob.)
In Genesis 35 we read that Rachel (The wife Jacob loved.) was dying. Upon giving birth to her last son, with her last breath she named him Ben-oni (“son of my sorrow”). However, Jacob didn’t want the weight of that name on his son, so he changed it to Ben-yamin (aka, Benjamin, “son of my right hand”). Your name is your identity, & in that world the naming of children was not only symbolic, but it was prophetic as your name spoke of the trajectory of your life.
Whenever we read that God changed a name it was because He was giving the person a new identity. For example, God changed Jacob’s name (“supplanter/deceiver”) to Israel (“wrestles with God” / “triumphant with God”) & that’s how the Jewish people became known as the Israelites. A change of heart signaled a new name.
I’m sure that our enemy has a name; he was an important figure among the heavenly beings. We’re given the names of other high ranking figures (Michael & Gabriel), but for whatever reason, God has not revealed this creature’s name to us. My guess is that he lost not only his elite status when he fell, but was stripped of his “light” bearing privilege and will forever be associated with darkness. We don't need to know his name. His titles give us enough information about who he is and his mission to steal, kill, & destroy.
Here's the good news: God has revealed His marvelous name(s) to us. He does so to offer us an intimate relationship with Himself.
Moses knew who God was (the God of his father’s) but he wanted to know His name.
“ “I AM WHO I AM” (Ex.3:14). This name is related to God’s personal name, Yahweh. So the very first thing that God reveals about Himself in that name is that He is personal. He can see; He can hear; He can know; He can speak. He can relate to the creatures He made in His own image. …when we look at God, we know His name is wonderful. In that name, He reveals manifold things about the excellency of His being and the perfections of His character. And that’s why the saints of old, if we asked, ‘Tell us everything you know about God,’ they would finally say, ‘Yahweh—I AM WHO I AM.’”” (R.C. Sproul)
Throughout Scripture, we read many names for our God. Have you ever studied them? You should! His names give us understanding of who He is. Through His various names we’re given insight into His attributes. His names reveal much about His relationship to us.
Throughout our spiritual journey God reveals who He is through, among other things, His names. He is a personal God who loved us enough to send His Son to redeem us from the one who was stripped of his light & remains nameless.