Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Love

(by Lorie Codispoti)

According to the Christian History Institute there are several St. Valentines, who were all martyred about the same time in the third century.
First, we have the Valentine who aided Christians who were being persecuted. He was imprisoned, where he found faith in Christ and refused to deny Him. He was tortured, beaten with clubs and then beheaded. He was said to have written letters to his friends during that time that read, “Remember your Valentine.”
Second, there’s the legend of a Valentine who was martyred when he was caught secretly marrying couples so that husbands wouldn’t have to go to war.
And third, we read about the Valentine who was a priest that refused to sacrifice to pagan gods. From his prison cell he shared God’s love through his testimony. As a result of his prayers the jailer’s daughter was healed and on the day of his execution he left her a note that was signed, “your Valentine.”
There isn’t enough evidence to determine which Valentine our holiday was named after, but the common thread that stitches these hearts together is their love for Christ and a willingness to share that love no matter what it cost them.
Remember the characteristics of love in 1Corinthians 13…
Love is long suffering and kind. It doesn’t envy, parade itself, or puff up. It doesn’t behave rudely, seek its own, provoke, or think evil. It doesn’t rejoice in sin, but rather in the truth. It bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things.
Each of these Valentines was willing: to bear things unpleasant - to believe that God had a plan - and to hope in something they couldn’t see. They were martyred for their willingness to endure the hardship this kind of love requires.
If you peel back our culture’s shallow layers of fluffy tissue paper love, you will find that the gift bag is empty. This kind of “love” is short lived. The slightest wind of trouble will shred the superficial layers and blow the fragments in every direction.
Christ came to show us what true love looks like, and then leave us a gift. When we open His gift of a new heart we find that He enables us to love like He does.
Will it cost us something? Yes.
The question we need to answer is not about the price.
The question we have to answer is are we willing to bear, believe, hope, and endure all things in order to show the world what the love of God looks like.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Trust The Teacher

(by Lorie Codispoti)

The art teacher handed everyone a large sheet of thick, white paper and a box of crayons.
We were instructed to fill the canvas with color. Every square inch of white was to be covered with bright, bold colors.
I remember spending a lot of time pressing the crayons hard and swirling little bits of color all over the page. Upon completion I held up my masterpiece and felt a surge of total satisfaction. I was ready for the bell to ring and school to be over so that I could take my picture home and hang it up.
We weren't ready to go home though. The project was only half finished.
I can still remember the horrible feeling that came over me as the art teacher instructed us to pick up the black crayon and cover all the color with a layer of black wax. None of the bright colors were to show through the darkness.
How could I possibly follow those instructions? How was I supposed to pick up that black crayon and ruin what I had just worked so hard to create when everything in me wanted to run from her directive?
Truly an artist, our teacher knew what the response would be, yet she patiently walked through the process with each student. She made time for the layers of our emotions to be fully expressed. We all thought our creations were about to be destroyed.
With every inch of darkness that crept over the beauty of our work, our teacher admonished us to trust her - to trust that if we were careful to follow her instructions we'd have something even more beautiful when we finished.
After what seemed like a very long time, each student’s design was filled with black wax and everyone’s canvas looked exactly alike.
The teacher then took her own black canvas and attached it to the easel for all of us to see. She picked up a little plastic tool, shaped like a pencil, and began to scratch out an incredibly beautiful scene on her canvas. With each stroke of her tool you could see the expressions on each student’s face begin to change. The more she scratched the more amazed we were. It was magical! The beauty of the colors pierced through the blackness and the butterfly she etched appeared to be three-dimensional. We were truly mesmerized by what we had just learned and eagerly went to work on our own pictures.
The Lesson
Whether your canvas is the size of a poster board or an index card, every block serves as a mark of color in the timeline of your life. You might think that the picture is finished and ready for display when the page is filled with color.
It’s not!
Every good teacher plans their lessons in such a way that they captivate and test each student. And every student must decide if they will trust and follow the instructions of their teacher.
In the book of James the author tells us that the testing of our faith develops perseverance. And that “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:3-4)
Friends, our Teacher has not yet called for the bell to ring, giving us permission to take our life’s work home.
You may be at the place where you are still working on filling your canvas with color, or you may be at a place where you are slowly watching the darkness take over the beauty of your work.
Hold on! There’s another step in the process.
With the precision of a skilled craftsman, the Teacher picks up His tool and begins to pierce the darkness by scratching something into your life. Colors begin popping out everywhere and it isn’t long before you realize that the black layer now serves as the backdrop to MasterFULL work of art. With each stroke of the Teacher’s tool the details begin to jump off the page. The hodgpodge bits of random colors has been carefully and strategically used to create a beautiful portrait of a life well lived.
The King has reserved a space on His gallery wall for your life to be displayed. It will testify of His goodness and showcase the Light that was etched through the darkness.
One day you will hear the sound that dismisses class, signaling that it's time for you to take your work home.
But, until that time comes - until you hear the bell ring - TRUST THE TEACHER!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Sadvent To Advent

(by Lorie Codispoti)

It’s Advent season, and each week is set apart to focus on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.
The word Advent comes from a Latin word that means “coming / arrival,” and each theme is marked with a sense of expectation. It is considered a season of light during the dark days of winter. Each week we symbolize and celebrate the light of Christ by lighting one candle for each theme.
But for some of us the winds of heartache have blown out the light, filling our days with a blinding darkness that has turned Advent into a sadvent. Expectations have been crushed by unrelenting pain and loss. And what of hope, peace, joy & love? Well, they feel like empty Christmas card sentiments that may make their way to our mailbox, but sadly remain distant from our hearts.
I understand. I’ve been there.
Suffering can be spiritually and physically debilitating. Our losses are traumatic, pain is relenting, and change is hard to accept.
So, how do we exchange sadvent for Advent? Is it possible to invite the virtues of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love to reignite our sense of expectation when our heart is broken?

I think we can do both.

By revisiting the time-honored truths of Advent, and contemplating the paradoxes that only God can harmonize.
Advent serves as a countdown to Christmas. And while we enjoy our modern day calendars with their special compartments that house delicious chocolate treats and trinkets to enhance the idea and create an air of anticipation among children, the spiritual significance of Advent goes beyond the superficial.
For centuries Christians have observed the tradition of Advent, marking it with many weeks of preparation that involved fasting, prayer, and reflection. Each Sunday, believers offer prayers and readings that focus on one of the four virtues, and during this time of waiting to celebrate the anniversary of the arrival of the Christ child, alongside the anticipated second-coming of Christ, the bonds of all believers are solidified and unity is fostered. In the Old Testament we read of those who faithfully waited for the prophesied Messiah, and in the New Testament we read of the King’s return to rule and reign forever.
This hope continues for us today.
The fact that the Prince of Peace will return is the confident expectation that believers have had for centuries. Throughout time the he collective of believers celebrate together the first coming of Christ (the incarnation), and we anticipate, with confident expectation, His second coming (Parousia).
This is Advent!
Hope, peace, joy & love are faith-defining hallmarks of the Christian walk, and believers have been traveling this well worn road for centuries now. We walk and we wait. But, we don’t walk in the darkness, nor is our waiting without purpose.
One writer encourages us to fathom the paradoxes of Advent - dark and light, emptiness and fulfilment, ancient and ever new - and to do it patiently standing firm in our faith, as James 5:7-8 encourages. 

I encourage you to do the same. 

Contemplate the lives of those who have gone before us - both inside and outside Scripture. (I like to do this by reading biographies. I’m currently reading about John Newton to my grand-littles, and it’s encouraging ME!) You will discover men and women who walked through great suffering; sometimes so gut-wrenching that it had the potential to destroy their faith.
But God!
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can not only stand strong and weather the storms of adversity, but we will emerge on the other side testifying of how the paradoxes of Advent harmonized and to strengthen our faith, not destroy it.
Therefore, rejoice with me! “…look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Lk.21:28b)
Invite the beauty of this special season to fill your heart and home with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love (all in caps), because these virtues are also characteristics that describe our King - who came, and is coming, to turn your sadvent into Advent.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Compassion Fatigue

(by Lorie Codispoti)

It’s that time of year again. The time when we’re bombarded with solicitations from all the legitimately worthy organizations, people, and causes we care about.
Did you know that humans make about 35,000 decisions a day? That breaks down to 2,000 decisions per hour (factoring in the average of seven hours for sleep). Much of that is your brain making a functional decision, like breathing or blinking your eyes. We were created with the ability to perform many unconscious, autonomous actions, but the ones I want to talk about are the conscious decisions we make - specifically those related to the abundance of pleas for year-end giving.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the needs?
How do we decide which causes to support when there are more of them than dollars to go around? Even if you plan ahead and allocate funds in advance you can experience generosity burnout during the holiday season.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the appeals. There’s even a term that describes this type of solicitation anxiety.
It’s called “compassion fatigue.”
Compassion fatigue is a common phenomenon among those in the care-giving industry. However, that’s not the only place it can show up. If we’re not cognizant of the fact that a burden for helping others - whether that comes in the form of giving donations or physically serving in some capacity - can produce a negative result, then we become susceptible.
God’s word tells us NOT to “grow weary while doing good.” (Gal.6:9, 2Thess.3:13)
In part, it’s because when our hearts become overwhelmed by needs that far outweigh the assistance we can offer, it feels like our drop in that very large bucket will have little to no impact. Another reason we need to guard against “growing weary” is that weariness has the ability to harden us. We can become desensitized to the struggles of those around us when compassion fatigue sets in.
So what’s the solution?
How do we guard against the weariness of generosity burnout, donor fatigue, selflessness exhaustion, solicitation anxiety, compassion fatigue, etc. (choose your label)?
Well, for starters, I see a few helpful tips contained within the two chapters I referenced above...
1. Understand that weariness is a progressive condition that takes place while we are “doing good.”
We “grow” weary. The onset is subtle and gradual. Learn to recognize the signs that lead you in this direction, and when you see them course correct yourself.
2. Know the primary purpose for your giving.
The first verse of 2Thess.3 gives us critical information: “…that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified…” It’s more than simply meeting a need. The purpose of our giving is to advance the kingdom by spreading God’s word and glorifying Him.
3. Be discerning.
In verses 6-15, Paul warns the believers to avoid disorderly busybodies who refuse to work. Verify a legitimate need by asking questions. This applies to individuals and organizations. Someone with a real need will not avoid inquiry.
4. Be willing to bear the burden.
Galatians 6:1-2 admonishes us to give of ourselves in order to see others restored in their walk with Christ. This can be difficult, as some burdens have a longer lifespan than others. But, verse 10 says that “as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those of the household of faith.”
5. Remind yourself that giving always gives back.
In verse nine Paul is careful to point out the principal of sowing and reaping. He says that if we don’t lose heart, we will reap the benefits of our giving. But, here’s the key: “…in due season…” Be patient if you don’t see positive results right away. Trust God’s perfect timing for the harvest. It’s always more abundant than we can imagine.
The next time you feel the pangs of choice paralysis coming on, remind yourself that every one of the 35,000 decisions you will make today is made one at a time. You can decide right now that one of those choices will be to slow down and apply the helpful advice God gives us in His word.
When it comes to deciding which organization, or which person, you are to share your resources with, start by asking God to order your steps and direct your funds. That’s the best way I know to avoid the weary trap of compassion fatigue.
“Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way.” (2Thess.3:16)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


(by Lorie Codispoti)

Speaking of how much evidence we have - from science, history, & human testimony - I heard one professor say that, compared to other world views, Christianity has an “almost embarrassment of riches."
His phrase struck me & I’ve been pondering the implications.
When you look at the cosmological argument, the design argument, & the moral argument (three popular topics of question), the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a God who caused things for a purpose. Even if all you had was general revelation (i.e., nature, human conscience) it would be enough to support the existence of God.
The God of the Bible not only created everything, but He left enough evidence of Himself in that creation for every human being (using the intellect He gave them) to put the pieces together & conclude that He is. To say otherwise is to deny the evidence & reject the reality that truth provides.
The Christian faith is not blind, as some would argue. The veil of unbelief rests over the eyes of those who blind themselves to the reality of God. We are “without excuse” as Scripture says.
I like how Sean McDowell defines Christian faith. He said, “Faith is trusting what we have reason to believe is true.”
Due to the vast amount of evidence (“embarrassment of riches”) that supports the Christian world view, it is, therefore, unreasonable to conclude that any other view (faith) is plausible.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Women Reformers

(by Lorie Codispoti)

The Protestant Reformation officially began on October 31, 1517, with Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis - though I know the waters began stirring before then with men like John Wycliffe & John Huss.
Most Christ-followers are familiar with the Reformation.
This historical event - whose main tenants had to do with the Bible being the sole authority for the faith of believers, and that salvation is by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ - quite literally changed the world.
The main players included Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Swingli, William Tyndale & John Knox.
But, what of the courageous & bold women of the Protestant Reformation? Each of these unsung heroes of this movement have their own riveting stories to tell.
These women were formidable advocates of truth, armed with Bibles written in their own language. And, when I say “armed” that is exactly what I mean. They, along with many of the men, went after false ideology and doctrine with great tenacity. A formidable force against the powers of darkness, they were not only wives and mothers, (As if that wasn’t a grand enough task.) but they were also well-educated, theology devouring authors, apologists, ex-nuns and nobles. They took in refugees, organized studies, and taught others how to read & interpret the Bible. Their revolutionary influence added greatly to the spread of the Gospel message.
Some of these stalwarts include:
Katharina von Bora
She was among the nine nuns who escaped her convent and later married the ex-monk, Martin Luther. They both endured public criticism for marrying, and it was difficult for two people raised in monastic houses to learn to live together. However, their strong personalities united and became quite a force to be reckoned with.
Katharina not only rose to the challenge of dealing with her husband’s health issues, but she excelled in managing their household of “six children; Luther’s seven nieces and nephews who the couple adopted; the four orphaned children of a friend who they had also adopted; Katharina’s ex-nun aunt; tutors and students from the University; and numerous religious refugees from all walks of life.” (It’s a good thing they had a 40 room house.)
After Martin died, though poor, she was able to sustained her family through her farm and by renting rooms. She suffered a terrible accident while fleeing with her family from the plague. After three months of debilitating agony she died. Her last words were, ““I will stick to Christ as a burr to a topcoat.”
Wibrandis Rosenblatt
Married and sadly widowed to four reformers. She lived through plagues & witnessed more than half of her 11 children die. She took in refugees & was even exiled at one point herself. Her life was filled with intense hardship & great tragedy, but she never lost sight of her mission and zeal for Christ.
Olympia Fulvia Morata
She was considered a child prodigy, whose professor father made sure she was fully educated in the areas of literature, history, philosophy, theology and languages. She was fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of 12, and became a companion and tutor to the daughter of an Italian duke and duchess. She also frequently lectured at court.
After her father’s death, she was unable to reclaim her position at court, as the duke no longer allowed his subjects to read and discuss Scripture. Her writings were banned in Italy. Olympia married a German doctor and they both fled to Germany. During their exile, her faith grew deeper and she began writing poetry in Greek and Latin. She even translated the Psalms into Greek, and her husband put it to music so they could sing them with other believers.
When their city became a war zone, starvation and disease became prevalent. Most of Olympia’s writings were lost when the city was burned.
She was only 29 when she died of Tuberculosis. One writer notes, “As she was languishing at the end of her life, she would say that God had measured out a certain course of life for her, brief, but full of work and woe, and she did not want to turn ‘from the finish line back to the starting gate.'”
Argula von Grumbach
(Bavarian noble woman and first published Protestant female writer.)
Argula’s affluent family encouraged spirituality and education, and at the age of 10 she began to read the Bible that her father gave her. During a time when lay people were discouraged from engaging with Scripture, she participated in public theological debates. However, after her parents died she was forced to leave court and ended up marrying a man who did not agree with her reformed views and bore him four children (three of whom died before her).
She began writing in defense of Protestant views, including a theological defense of Martin Luther, using 80 verses to support her claims. She closed her defense with, “What I have written to you is no woman’s chit-chat, but the word of God. And I write as a member of the Christian church, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail.”
Argula’s writing became widely distributed and read. Her husband was abusive, and at one point he was encouraged to shut her up by strangling her or breaking her fingers so that she could not write.
“These women were scholars and theologians…They were writers of plays, poems and music. They corresponded with those who were sympathetic to the protestant cause, and with those who were completely opposed to the recovery of the true gospel. They were encouragers, expending their resources, hospitality and relationships to demonstrate the greatness of God through His Word.” (Master’s University)
When I read about the Protestant Reformation, I am not so much in awe of the reformers (though I admire them); rather, I am in awe of the God these brave men and women loved & served.
Reading about their lives encourages and challenges my faith in much the same way as do those I read about in Scripture. These were all ordinary people (in that they were sinners like us), who purposed to use what they were given to shine God’s light into a corrupt world of darkness. It was their extraordinary God that emboldened them to stand for truth and persevere through much persecution and hardship.
The clarion call of the Protestant Reformation was Semper Reformanda. It means “always reforming.”
That tells me that the work of fighting for sound doctrine and biblical truth is ongoing.
Today’s church is still in need of reforming and conforming to Truth, and our love for God’s word should compel us to - like these women - be tenacious.
Armed with the truth of God's word, may we “stick to Christ as a burr to a topcoat” (KVB), and “as a member of the Christian church, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail” (AVG), refuse to turn “from the finish line back to the starting gate.” (OFM)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

What's In A Name?

(by Lorie Codispoti)

I enjoy naming things - & I name everything. I have names & back up names. I have named everything from the critters who visit our country cottage (which has its own name) to the trees & bushes that surround it. I name our cars. I name our rooms & some of the items in them. I’ve tried to help my children name their’s, but, sadly, they weren't interested. So, I give them (& other’s) ncknames. (I’ve always liked the idea the Catholics have when they add a new name at confirmation. So, why can't we copy the idea & apply it to baptism?)

It’s interesting what we assume about names in Scripture.

For example, did you know that the Bible never names God’s chief nemesis & our greatest enemy? We call him by many names, with Lucifer, Devil & Satan being the most popular. However, if you study Scripture more carefully you will see that these are all simply titles that describe the nature of the adversary, accuser, opposer (“ha-satan”). Our English translations drop the “ha” (article) in front of “satan,” which turns the title into a name. This is misleading. 

Names are a gift.

The naming of things assigns value to them & points to our Creator God, who named the first man (Adam) & tasked him with the honor of naming all the animals He had created. 

The naming of children was a very serious privilege given to parents in the Bible. A name assigns meaning & purpose.

Not long ago I gave a talk on the life of Leah. (She was the unloved wife of Jacob.) 

In Genesis 35 we read that Rachel (The wife Jacob loved.) was dying. Upon giving birth to her last son, with her last breath she named him Ben-oni (“son of my sorrow”). However, Jacob didn’t want the weight of that name on his son, so he changed it to Ben-yamin (aka, Benjamin, “son of my right hand”). Your name is your identity, & in that world the naming of children was not only symbolic, but it was prophetic as your name spoke of the trajectory of your life. 

Whenever we read that God changed a name it was because He was giving the person a new identity. For example, God changed Jacob’s name (“supplanter/deceiver”) to Israel (“wrestles with God” / “triumphant with God”) & that’s how the Jewish people became known as the Israelites. A change of heart signaled a new name.

I’m sure that our enemy has a name; he was an important figure among the heavenly beings. We’re given the names of other high ranking figures (Michael & Gabriel), but for whatever reason, God has not revealed this creature’s name to us. My guess is that he lost not only his elite status when he fell, but was stripped of his “light” bearing privilege and will forever be associated with darkness. We don't need to know his name. His titles give us enough information about who he is and his mission to steal, kill, & destroy.

Here's the good news: God has revealed His marvelous name(s) to us. He does so to offer us an intimate relationship with Himself. 

Moses knew who God was (the God of his father’s) but he wanted to know His name. 


“ “I AM WHO I AM” (Ex.3:14). This name is related to God’s personal name, Yahweh. So the very first thing that God reveals about Himself in that name is that He is personal. He can see; He can hear; He can know; He can speak. He can relate to the creatures He made in His own image. …when we look at God, we know His name is wonderful. In that name, He reveals manifold things about the excellency of His being and the perfections of His character. And that’s why the saints of old, if we asked, ‘Tell us everything you know about God,’ they would finally say, ‘Yahweh—I AM WHO I AM.’”” (R.C. Sproul)

Throughout Scripture, we read many names for our God. Have you ever studied them? You should! His names give us understanding of who He is. Through His various names we’re given insight into His attributes. His names reveal much about His relationship to us. 

Throughout our spiritual journey God reveals who He is through, among other things, His names. He is a personal God who loved us enough to send His Son to redeem us from the one who was stripped of his light & remains nameless.

Thursday, August 31, 2023


God loves me “just as I am.”
But, God’s love doesn’t leave me “just as I am.”
It can’t!
Because God’s love is both static and dynamic. Static in that it does not ebb and flow. There is nothing we can do (or not do) that will change His love for us. It’s fixed. God’s love isn’t just part of His character, it’s who He is (1Jn.4:16). His love is also dynamic, in that it is always active and moving in our lives to bring about change. This involves an ongoing process - a work that is continually healing and restoring us to Himself. We call this sanctification, and the goal is for us to become more and more like Christ.
God’s love is so pure and holy (set apart) that it is hard to compare and impossible to fully comprehend.
When Jesus Christ (in response to His Father’s love (Jn.3:16)), volunteered to come and lay down His life for us, there was no word to describe His kind of self-sacrificial love. What His followers witnessed, as they watched the way He lived and ministered love to people, was foreign to them. So foreign that the writers of the New Testament had to come up with a new word for this kind of love.
According to BibleProject, the New Testament writers had to redefine their very concept of love. And they did this, not by looking in ancient dictionaries, but by studying Jesus’ teaching’s and His life. That's how we got the Greek word, agape.
To imitate this agape love, we must look to the one who modeled it perfectly by seeking the wellbeing of those who could not return His generosity.
The ultimate test of agape love is to demonstrate it to your enemies, like Jesus did.
(Remember, before we were God’s children we were His enemies. “But God demonstrates His own love (agape) toward us, in that while we were still sinners (enemies), Christ died for us.” (Rms.5:8))
How can we do this?
With the help of His indwelling Spirit.
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God. (Ezek.36:25-28)
We can agape others because He first agaped us (1Jn.4:19)…. just as we were.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


(by Lorie Codispoti)

“So, where are you going on vacation this summer?” the store clerk asked me as I placed my groceries on the counter.
I barely had time to think of a response before she chimed in with her family’s vacation plans. Her entire persona emulated that of a child as she added, “We’re leaving for the beach tomorrow!” Her fingers danced over the cash register keys as if she was playing with The Beach Boys and singing about Kokomo.
It was in that moment that I began to feel incredibly deprived.
All the way home, I had one question that kept repeating, over and over, in my head: Where are WE going on vacation? “Jamaica, Bermuda, Bahama…?” Nope! We weren’t going anywhere. (Cue the sad music.) We had no plans, and even if we did we couldn’t bankroll anything beyond our backyard.
After my encounter with that clerk all I wanted to do was plan a grand adventure and be giddy about it like she was. This full-on pity party rapidly spiraled downward and the more rotations I took the worse I felt.
As I approached our house I was distracted by a very active squirrel, busily scampering about filling his nest with the abundance of acorns from all our oak trees.
After working himself to exhaustion preparing for the winter months ahead, I think I heard his entitled self turn to the misses and say, “I’m tired of this place. I’ve worked hard and we deserve a break. I hear the acorns in Kokomo are twice the size they are here. Grab the kids and let’s go on a trip before the weather turns. We’ll take in all the new sights and sample the abundant delicacies.”
The sound of excitement was deafening, as the whole family prepared themselves for the great adventure that awaited them.
For Papa squirrel and his family this was the equivalent of a cross-country adventure, and I now found myself struggling with the reality that I had become envious of a tree rat. (I told you - downward spiral.)
Wait a minute!
What’s the matter with me?
I know where this leads. I've been rescued from this pit before.
Do I really want to revisit this dark hole?
I came inside and prayed, asking God to forgive me for being so foolish. I was perfectly content before the enemy baited me with the idea of what vacations were supposed to look like.
The Lord began to remind me of all the fun our family has had over the years by perfecting the ability to staycation (the frugal way of having a vacation while staying at home). It turned my heart around and kept me from falling into the enemy's trap. I was even happy for the clerk and her family. Amazing how applying God's goodness can change your trajectory.
Staycations are nothing new.
People who know how to think outside the preverbal box have been practicing this portmanteau for a long time. While there’s nothing wrong with a vacation in Kokomo, there’s also no need to give up on a great adventure simply because you can’t swing the expense.
For many years our family vacations consisted of local attractions and places we could fit into a day-trip. I can’t tell you how many times “camping” meant setting up the tent on the back deck. If it was raining, we’d move all the furniture in the den, set up the tent, and fill it with sleeping bags and bodies. These were great times for laughing, story telling, and dreaming out loud. Sure, we probably would have jumped on a jet and traveled the world over if our piggy bank would have been a little larger, but rather than fretting over the fact that it wasn’t we focused our attention on local attractions. What we discovered was that fun and memorable moments are limited only by your imagination and not by your wallet.
So the next time someone asks you where you plan to take your family on vacation, remind yourself of what happened to Papa squirrel and his family when they became discontent with what they had and ventured into the Kokomo forest.
The giant acorns were, indeed, quite alluring, but when they arrived they discovered that the Kokomo Forest had an evil secret. The people who managed this forest had strategically planted a fake oak tree and scattered artificial acorns over the top of a well camouflaged pit. It was all designed to entice and lure discontented squirrels.
(I like a good ending, so I’m going to imagine that, rather than becoming squirrel stew, this family escaped and made it back to the little forrest they called home, where they lived happily ever after. 😉 )
“And he said to them, ‘Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’” (Lk.12:15)
“Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” (1Tim.6:6-8)